Monday, September 10, 2007

I did it & thank you to supporters!

Okay granted it's Monday and I should have posted this last night but alas too tired then. I did it - a full hour on the "regular" upright bike actually 61 minutes, 13.33 miles. Now I have something to measure with a bit better! Let's compare my cycling to Lance's shall we - hahaha. The Lance Armstrong's War book I just finished was talking about watts as a measure of overall performance ... at his best Lance could pull 500 watts for 30 minutes. I hit 145 watts for about 3 seconds and thought my legs were going to fall off! LOL, cough, gasp. Okay, well I guess that's why I'm not a millionaire bike rider eh?! I'll challenge him to a rabbit toe nail trimming contest - then we'll see who's got the stuff!!

Less than 3 weeks to the ride and not quite 1/2 way to my fund raising goal, the team "CCC - Cyclists Combating Cancer" is #1 and one of our riders is #5 for top fundraiser at about 19K! Don Larson, my Toastmaster mentor, graciously put a blurb on his website regarding the challenge . . . every little bit helps! Donate donate donate - great tax deduction :-) THANK YOU everyone that has donated & those that have committed - love you guys!
Today's picture is my theme shirt, "Aliens stole my TUMA." It works better when you think of our Governator saying it (California Governor AKA Arnold). Bill coined the expression and it helped me greatly to find humor in what could have been a very depressing situation last year. Thankfully all is well!

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