Spent a couple hours at the gym today, logged an hour on the bikes. I need to develop the appropriate bike butt to sit on a bike that long . . . and I only covered about 15 miles in the hour. ACK - that works out to nearly 3 hours for a 40 mile ride. I am highly motivated to trim some time off that number!!!
We had a wild storm burn through this morning, lots of thunder and lightening. By the looks of the roads lots of water too. It was a great day though, I didn't have to run the cooler at all! I'm sure the weeds in the back yard will be grow . . .
I was in mid sentence last night writing when I heard a commotion in the bunny room. Thinking Eleanor was in there again I walked in to scoot her out and found that Searsha had been the one making the commotion. She was behind the litter box with her nose pressed into the fence. When I picked her up she was somewhat limp & I knew there was something horribly wrong. I called Michelle and Mary and with their help tried to decide what the best course of action would be. Searsha had previously had an E.C. type incident last year but had recovered 100%. She seizured twice last night at which time I knew I had to make the decision. Thankfully Mary was with me as I was in no condition to be driving. We took little Searsha who appeared peaceful (and not in pain) to the vet. I could tell it was time for her to go and was grateful she had a peaceful passing. She will be greatly missed by her elder companion Flopsy and all who knew her.
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