It's been over a week since my last post & life is hectic. I was temporarily a displaced home owner while the house was being tented, alas it worked out nicely as I was able to stay with a friend who was away on vacation. All 12 critters & I loaded up the necessities and some odds and ends & took leave of the house. Coming back to the disaster has been a bit daunting, but it's coming back together little by little. Much to do before the trip (depart on Friday) so can only spend bits and bobs working on house stuff. While being bug free is nice, I didn't get in any training the whole week :-(
I picked up training where I left off and it went okay, the week off wasn't a good idea, but no matter, it is what it is. I spoke with my host tonight and she indicated they're expecting rain this weekend - yikes! That wasn't on my agenda, more planning, it's almost Wednesday ...
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Today marked a great milestone in my training for the LAF Challenge. I am happy to report that I covered 16 hilly, bumpy, dusty, hot miles in Penasquitos Canyon today . . . with only 7th & 14th gears working!!!! It was brutal in spots and I did have to walk some of the hills due to the bike's (yes! blame it on the bike) shifting problem (mostly non-existent!). Very happy with the results. Rode with Bill and Terry from I-15 out to the I-805, beautiful day albeit since we got started a bit later than planned (they tried to fix the shifter) it was hot. Legs feel good tonight, we'll see about tomorrow.
No word from the termite people so have to make some calls in the AM to see if the alternate company can get the fumigation done as was planned since I've already committed to being elsewhere! Should be an interesting week!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Getting Closer
I would like to be saying what a great workout I had today, but the truth is I totally buggered off. Tomorrow is however a 1.5 hr ride on the "real" bike! I did manage to get it pumped up (thanks to Bill) and all appears well. At first I thought Daley Ranch, but I know that first hill is brutal so maybe Pensquitos would be a better option. Got some proper bike shorts also.
Feeling very low energy today, none to happy about it either. This kink in my neck is wearing me down, I haven't had it go bad for this long of time before. Whine whine.
Termite guy was a no show Friday, so have no idea if the fumigation will take place next week. Have obligated myself to take care of a friends pets during the time, so keeping hopeful that the "other" company can pull off doing the fumigation on Wed or Th at the latest.
Paws crossed for a better day with higher energy levels! I feel like The Challenge is getting closer, but I'm not any better prepared (which I know isn't true, just feeling blah today).
Feeling very low energy today, none to happy about it either. This kink in my neck is wearing me down, I haven't had it go bad for this long of time before. Whine whine.
Termite guy was a no show Friday, so have no idea if the fumigation will take place next week. Have obligated myself to take care of a friends pets during the time, so keeping hopeful that the "other" company can pull off doing the fumigation on Wed or Th at the latest.
Paws crossed for a better day with higher energy levels! I feel like The Challenge is getting closer, but I'm not any better prepared (which I know isn't true, just feeling blah today).
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Time is slipping ... no roaring past and I'm wondering if come The Challenge if my legs will fall off and/or my lungs will collapse. I'm sticking with the schedule, hope it's enough. These next 3 days will tell a lot, I have one (or two) 1.5 hour rides to complete. One will be on the mtn bike, either Daley or perhaps Pensquitos (which would be the easier of the two!). Hopefully that will be easier vs. the gym as there are things to look at and distract the mind. Yesterday's session was okay, but difficult after dance class, made for a long day.
Tonight's headline: ANTS - AHHHHHHHHHHHH is symbolic. Despite my repeated attempts to destroy them they persist and are back in FULL force. Quite amazing little creatures really. Since the house is to be tented next week I hope to convince them once and for all that they need to go elsewhere. Also next week I am to meet with the city to go over the necessary contractor info etc, so the project is moving forward albeit more slowly than I would like. I *really* need to get a good idea on bathroom fixtures etc as well as the flooring.
The county veterinary called today and they are not yet sure of the cause of Searsha's seizures, the additional lab work, which can take weeks hopefully will shed some light. Her happy face is dearly missed. Frankie's visit to Dr. Bausone today was inconclusive so it is back in someone elses court what direction to pursue. The eye does not appear to be causing him pain and there is no discharge so that is good.
Monday, September 10, 2007
I did it & thank you to supporters!
Okay granted it's Monday and I should have posted this last night but alas too tired then. I did it - a full hour on the "regular" upright bike actually 61 minutes, 13.33 miles. Now I have something to measure with a bit better! Let's compare my cycling to Lance's shall we - hahaha. The Lance Armstrong's War book I just finished was talking about watts as a measure of overall performance ... at his best Lance could pull 500 watts for 30 minutes. I hit 145 watts for about 3 seconds and thought my legs were going to fall off! LOL, cough, gasp. Okay, well I guess that's why I'm not a millionaire bike rider eh?! I'll challenge him to a rabbit toe nail trimming contest - then we'll see who's got the stuff!!
Less than 3 weeks to the ride and not quite 1/2 way to my fund raising goal, the team "CCC - Cyclists Combating Cancer" is #1 and one of our riders is #5 for top fundraiser at about 19K! Don Larson, my Toastmaster mentor, graciously put a blurb on his website regarding the challenge . . . every little bit helps! Donate donate donate - great tax deduction :-) THANK YOU everyone that has donated & those that have committed - love you guys!
Today's picture is my theme shirt, "Aliens stole my TUMA." It works better when you think of our Governator saying it (California Governor AKA Arnold). Bill coined the expression and it helped me greatly to find humor in what could have been a very depressing situation last year. Thankfully all is well!
Friday, September 7, 2007
The hills are brutal
Thur: I managed a full hour on the bikes at the gym with "only" a 10 minute break on the treadmill between. The first 30 minutes was fairly easy, the last 30 minutes was brutal. I'm wondering if since I start on the recliner first that might be why, tomorrow I'll do the opposite and see how that goes. They also have those spinning classes, I'll have to check into that and see what it's about, I hear they're a great workout. Tomorrow I'll get the bike sorted out and see about a ride on Sunday.
In the salsa arena, I got some "real" dance shoes & and trying to find a good site that has audio/video/and miracles since my feet don't seem to want to cooperate. I know 1/2 of it is not having "good" music! I am determined!
Eleanor (in pix) ... isn't she cute!! Still hunting for a husbun.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Alright how did it get to be Wednesday already?? I feel like I missed a day somewhere, dang it! Happy to report I booked a flight to Portland - one less thing to worry about. Flying out of C'bad - yea, much less hassle for a little more $$. Next begins the trying to find a place to rent a motorcycle?? Maybe. Would be fun to cruise around on Sat & check out the course in advance of Sundays "real" ride. The mtn bike, although clean, is still sitting in the garage with flat tires, doesn't look like it's going to get any better until Sat either!
On the home from the lead based paint inspector came by today - check that off the list. And the 2nd termite inspection report is in so I can move on that. Found a bunch of great pix from mags I've collected over the years & have a good idea of the window style I want, and the general look & feel of the bathroom. On the 18th I'll meet with the City rep & go over the contractor/bid process. No word from either of the 2 landscape contractors I called yesterday to get the leak fixed. Drat.
Tomorrow is gym, tonight was Salsa & boy am I a beginner!! One-two-three (four), five-six-seven (eight) & repeat. I am seriously going to have to practice every night otherwise come next Wednesday I'm going to look like a dork :-) Give me an hour on a bike instead! What was I thinking? (LOL, it will be good for me!) Looking forward to the gym tomorrow, need to put in a full hour . . . tho I might have to take a 10 min "break" on the treadmill to give the behind a rest!
Thank you to the sponsors/donors we are getting closer and closer to the target goal. Eleanor (see pix) says Yipee too! Sorry, no pix, not working - tomorrow!
On the home from the lead based paint inspector came by today - check that off the list. And the 2nd termite inspection report is in so I can move on that. Found a bunch of great pix from mags I've collected over the years & have a good idea of the window style I want, and the general look & feel of the bathroom. On the 18th I'll meet with the City rep & go over the contractor/bid process. No word from either of the 2 landscape contractors I called yesterday to get the leak fixed. Drat.
Tomorrow is gym, tonight was Salsa & boy am I a beginner!! One-two-three (four), five-six-seven (eight) & repeat. I am seriously going to have to practice every night otherwise come next Wednesday I'm going to look like a dork :-) Give me an hour on a bike instead! What was I thinking? (LOL, it will be good for me!) Looking forward to the gym tomorrow, need to put in a full hour . . . tho I might have to take a 10 min "break" on the treadmill to give the behind a rest!
Thank you to the sponsors/donors we are getting closer and closer to the target goal. Eleanor (see pix) says Yipee too! Sorry, no pix, not working - tomorrow!
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Sweltering Sunday
Excellent news, the tests from Friday were all clear! Yipee. I am taking today off from training per Drs. orders, but will resume tomorrow. Found a nice 12 week training schedule to work with, hummm, I'll have to pick up at the 8th week I guess. Got the bike down as planned. Tomorrow I'll see about getting it cleaned off and the tires pumped back up etc. It's a balmy 98 degrees today.
Bill and Terry just finished installing a new garage door opener for me - very nice!! Now when it's raining outside (envision rain!!!) I won't have to get out of the car to open the garage door. I'm thinking rain right now would be VERY nice! On the bummer side of home ownership one of my landscape pipes is leaking and it's in a very awkard spot, so I'll be calling the landscapers on Tuesday. The leadbased paint testing company is scheduled to arrive Wednesday, but I haven't sorted out how to deal with them as their arrival window is from 9AM - 1PM, ack.
On the bunny front, Flash (needs a new name) is settling down a bit. Harley (formerly Daffy - see pix) is awesome, very mellow, and little Frankie (formerly Bogie) is doing well too. It's very nice to have some boys here and I'm every hopeful that Eleanor will bond easily with one of them (pref Flash, as he's a dwarfish little cutie). The girls remain content in their surroundings now that all are indoors (none too soon with this heat!) see them here
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wonderful support!! Thank you.
Tonight's blog is dedicated to my supporters, donors, friends & family. I am absolutely thrilled with the outpouring of sponsors that have already made donations. The link to my web page is here check it out - you guys are awesome - THANK YOU!!!
I spent nearly a full hour on the bikes tonight at the gym. They have a reclining style and an upright style - I like to break it up between the two (at least for now while my bike butt is developing). HOW do those folks that bike hundreds of miles a day do it??? Did some hill work and I can tell I'm getting stronger as the machine only paused twice on me (it does that when you are approaching muscle failure I guess). The first time I did the hill work it was pausing every 30 seconds.
My goal (one of many) for this weekend is to get the mtn bike out and cleaned up and ride a bit on a "real" bike. Tomorrow is starvation day, Friday is camera day. The Dr. promised she'd use two different cameras! I think tomorrow is going to be tougher than Friday. 36 hours without solid food - that'll be a new one for me!
Again, THANK YOU to all of you for your donations, emails, and words of encouragement YOU ARE THE BEST!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Two fur Tuesday
Could have stayed home today too but made it through, now just tomorrow as I'm off Th & Fri.
The workout plans got lost tonight in the two fur Tuesday bunny shuffle. Had received communications that bunnies outside our County were in dire straights & one of our great volunteers jumped right in to get some lives saved! In honor of Searsha I offered to temp foster 2 buns for Rancho Coastal, I didn't expect to get them TODAY, it all happened very quickly. I was planning on picking up "Flash" a little dwarf Dutch mix that was at EHS & was in hot water for his bad behavior (I'm hoping he and Eleanor will bond). But instead of 1, I picked up 3 rabbits tonight. Lots of setting up to do & ended up spending too much time at Lowe's w/ some rather unmotivated staff. Did get new vinyl and carpet, a new pen, and everybun set up. They all seem nice & thus far quiet.
Flopsy seems to be doing fine (isn't that a cute pix of her!), I'm looking forward to the weekend when I can get her outside for a romp in the grass. She's enjoying the stuffies and Sydney's company too.
Guess workout will be tomorrow!!! And I'll have to make up for Th/Fri as I'll be in no condition to be exercising then! Yikes, I'm sweating already.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Quiet Monday
After Seasha passed away last night I wanted to give Flopsy time with her, it's hard to say how they feel, but I've always found that it's okay to leave the body with a companion for a period of time. So I placed her strategically and covered her back end where they had given her the injection. Flopsy at times seemed oblivious and at others a little freaked, but she wasn't thumping either. I added several stuffies and new clean rugs. I set the alarm and checked on her at 3AM and she seemed at peace so I removed Searsha's body and spent some time with Flopsy before heading back to bed and a 6AM alarm clock for work.
Of course I felt like I'd been steamrollered when the alarm went off, between little sleep, all the tears, and sitting on hard floors for 4 hours my body was in agony. Called in sick to work and went back to bed.
I am happy to report that Flopsy seems to be okay, I will of course be keeping a watchful eye as she really is an elderly little thing. Took Searsha's body to County for a necropsy in the afternoon, hoping they will find the cause of the seizures. Spent the remainder of the day with my mom, just hanging out talking about life, so it was a bittersweet end of a quiet Monday.
Good day turns to sadness
Spent a couple hours at the gym today, logged an hour on the bikes. I need to develop the appropriate bike butt to sit on a bike that long . . . and I only covered about 15 miles in the hour. ACK - that works out to nearly 3 hours for a 40 mile ride. I am highly motivated to trim some time off that number!!!
We had a wild storm burn through this morning, lots of thunder and lightening. By the looks of the roads lots of water too. It was a great day though, I didn't have to run the cooler at all! I'm sure the weeds in the back yard will be grow . . .
I was in mid sentence last night writing when I heard a commotion in the bunny room. Thinking Eleanor was in there again I walked in to scoot her out and found that Searsha had been the one making the commotion. She was behind the litter box with her nose pressed into the fence. When I picked her up she was somewhat limp & I knew there was something horribly wrong. I called Michelle and Mary and with their help tried to decide what the best course of action would be. Searsha had previously had an E.C. type incident last year but had recovered 100%. She seizured twice last night at which time I knew I had to make the decision. Thankfully Mary was with me as I was in no condition to be driving. We took little Searsha who appeared peaceful (and not in pain) to the vet. I could tell it was time for her to go and was grateful she had a peaceful passing. She will be greatly missed by her elder companion Flopsy and all who knew her.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
It's official
It's official, I've entered the new media age now, yes? I tried to resist but really needed someplace where I could keep folks informed of my progress for the LiveStrong Challenge coming up next month. Yikes!
So I haven't been riding in, oh, about 3 years & I signed up for a 40 mile bike ride (the one with peddles!). It's a fundraising ride with the Lance Armstrong Foundation. Anyway, I have some work ahead of me and will keep you posted here of my training progress. You can check out my fundraising efforts Thank you to everyone that has already donated (since just last night!!).
I'll be heading to the gym tomorrow for some serious time in "the saddle" . . . maybe I'll ride the motorcycle over there.
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